Indian Rugs

India is home to a wide variety of traditional rug-making techniques, which have been passed down through the generations. Indian rugs are renowned for their intricate designs, vibrant colors and luxurious materials. Indian rugs are usually created from hand-knotted wool to hand-woven silk. Discover the Indian rugs now!



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One of A Kind
Lianna | Soft Pink Hand-Knotted Rug | Kuden RugsLianna | Vintage Area Rug Elegance | Kuden Rugs
Lianna - Vintage Area Rug

12' 6" x 9' 0"

Sale price$2,862.00

Indian Rugs

If you want to welcome your guests with something lavish, luxurious, and elegant, Indian rugs should be the go-to option. The Indian continent has been famous for its artwork and creative people since ancient times. These handmade rugs are famous around the globe for the way they are densely knotted. Each rug has 25 to 200 knots of high-quality natural silk braids – these carpets usually depict the artwork of the pre-partition Indian subcontinent, giving them an edge over regular abstract patterned rugs.

A Quick History of Indian Rugs

Akbar the Great was a renowned patron for rugs in India, he decorated his many palaces with such hand-knotted rugs. In this regard, the great Akbar brought in the Persian weavers to train the Indians in this artwork. The 16th-18th centuries saw the most magnificent rise of this art, and the tradition has gone forward ever since.

Are Indian Rugs Available in Different Types?

The quality of these rugs relies on the density of knotting per square inch. A more densely knotted rug will cost you more bucks. As Indian rugs are hand knotted, each Indian rug has a different pattern and motif. Unlike Persian and Turkish rugs, Indian rugs are unique in their making process. Cotton threads are woven vertically and intervened with horizontally knotted threads of wool or silk. All this artwork is performed manually by skilled carpet weavers, so each rug depicts a different pattern and sparks a sense of creative thoughts in the viewers’ eyes.

How Indian Rugs Are Different From Other Rugs?

As India is based on a diverse array of religious and cultural influences, the same is also reflected in the rugs. Due to this diversity in beliefs and traditions all over the country, rugs are woven in a wide range of patterns, colors, and designs. Another interesting aspect about Indian rugs is that their designs are inspired by other traditions and customs or from the artworks that are carved on the walls of monuments and ancient buildings – this can be all the more interesting if you've been to India or have seen some of their impressive local attractions on the internet. And to reiterate, all of this work is performed by hand, so don’t expect them to be pinpoint perfect, but they are unique in their elegance.

Indian Rugs Depict the Meaning of Their Styles

Indian rugs are not only appealing visually but every rug of different color also tells a unique story. When placed in your home interior, these rugs can help your space look bigger. Also, dark rugs depict a bold statement and are often used in a variety of spaces.

Indian Rugs Are Cost Effective

If you are looking for something unique for a comparatively less price, Indian rugs will be a win-win choice for you. These rugs are not only strong and long-lasting but also provide the best return on investment as climatic extremes can’t harm these densely knotted Indian rugs.  

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